Thursday, April 30, 2009
Suatu malam, seorang teman mengirim pesan pendek pada saya yang sedang asyik bercengkrama dengan keyboard dan layar komputer. Dalam pesan pendeknya, ia menulis kata-kata yang tiba-tiba mampu menghentikan aktivitas saya dalam sejenak. Ia tak bertanya tentang PR-PR organisasi yang selama ini jadi menu sehari-hari kami. Ia pun tak bertanya tentang kabar kuliah atau kegiatan menulis saya. Ia hanya
Arti Cinta,
Tentang Cinta
True Happiness in Your Career and Life
True happiness is one of those feelings that often alludes us. Why? Because we usually don??t know when we??ve got it, or we think we have it when we really don??t. So what is it, where does it come from, and how do we find it?True happiness is a feeling that comes from within. It is elation, excitement, and peace all at the same time. In spite of what we hope for, it does not come from external
exclusive casino
Get exclusive casino bonus deals and learn how to make the most of online casinos ... We have reviewed the best bonus casinosNah.. once dapet money from sites of the Online USA Casinos ??? Possibly this one of the sites that enabled Yourself unruk got the money bonus that more...Like available casinos in televisi,., like that approximately the existence... possibly you also Will be attracted
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tips had a date
Women that has had the agenda personally that night will not find it easy to be impressed with your statement - but they in fact wanted you asked mereka again, as immediately as possible. You must distinguish when the he refused you with the hesitant feeling - hesitant. Please pay attention to his sign, when he hesitant - hesitant, significant in fact he wanted to accept your invitation, but he
Tips cinta
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
If we loved someone
If we loved someone, we would always mendo’akan him although he was not beside us. The lord gave us ber- two foot to go, two hands to hold, two ears to hear and two eyes to see. But why the Lord only bestowed a sliver of heart to us? Because the Lord gave a sliver again the heart to someone for us looked for him. So the Love … Don't from time to time said goodbye if you were still wanting to try.
Tips cinta
Saturday, April 25, 2009
True Happiness
Most people look outside of themselves as the cause of their unhappinessor frustration. After all, wouldn??t life be practically perfect if thesignificant people in our lives would simply do things the way we wantthem to or do what we think is best for them? Actually, this is the kindof thinking that perpetuates the misery!I agree that most of today??s unhappiness centers on important people
Unhappy at Work? A Change is Coming
We all can't be astronauts, professional athletes, dolphin trainers or test pilots -- some of us have to work for a living. I'm not implying that the people in those professions don't actually work, I'm suggesting that some jobs might not seem like work. Unfortunately, I don't have one of those jobs and I'm guessing you don't either. For the majority of us, work is a daily grind of repeating the
Small Business Web
Some time before the Boss came to my room. As usual he only looked around and chatted around the work. One of them was discussions concerning the change in the design from web the company in order to be able to be more again interesting. Apparently will have his new but fortunate work change him not too many.The change that was asked to take the form of the replacement of the colour of the yard
Use Success and Motivation Principles To Put The Happy Back In Your Happy Birthday
Two recent research studies have shown that you are more likely to have a heart attack on your birthday than any other day of the year. Many people view their birthday as a negative event. This article will help ensure that your birthday is a true celebration of a happy life and give you the tools to build many more ??happy birthdays?? for yourself in the future.A 2006 article published in the
Friday, April 24, 2009
Happy Ending
I'm writing to you with a completely shattered heart. I've known my wife for over five years, and we got married last August. It was a fairy tale wedding, everything we always wanted, with about 200 guests. Everyone said by the look on our faces they knew we were in love.For years before the wedding, my wife was completely into me. We spent every night and all weekend together. Our perfect
self improvement,
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Have You Ever Felt GOD in You?
God is the primordial Creative Force that is believed to have created each atom that we see around us. When you sit and muse, have you ever heard a voice inside you talking to you? That is the voice that is in you, whom you may also call GOD.Think logically, if you have heard of the voice of that inner soul in you, who indeed is the never-lying, never-forsaking GOD, then is it JUST NOT possible
There are two kinds of presence. The one that is a given, when we just are who we are, and the one that we become and access by intention. Becoming present ?? in this context ?? is an accessing of our being, amidst distractions and triggers of Self-violation and Self loathing. Accepting and loving ourselves in the present moment accesses our presence. This is the skill that we are developing: how
The LOAN of CASH without the COLLATERAL, the CONDITION that was easy & FLEXIBEL, the INTEREST of the FLAT (CONTINUE TO), as well as the PROTECTION of the INSURANCE from the PAYING OFF OBLIGATION WHEN experiencing the ACCIDENT/the DISASTER, the LIGHT INSTALMENT & was covered EACH MONTHSeveral last week, by chance I discussed with a banker in one of private enterprise's famous banks. The gossip
Poetic Romance
Romance is conveyed in so many different ways.One less commonly used is the medium of poetry. Sometimes words penned on the page put across our feelings to someone else so deeply that we are moved to tears. Moved to compassion. Moved to passion in ways we would never before have thought possible. And yet, we find ourselves feeling as we have never felt. Holding as we have never embraced before.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
PLOW Your Own Happiness
Perhaps it is because I am a gardener at heart, but for me the new year really begins in the Spring. Even though Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, I am beginning to see signs of Spring here in Kentucky. There are sprouts of that wonderful fresh spring green in my garden today. The sight of those hopeful leaf points makes me smile and reinvigorates me in a way that New Year's Day can never
Your Candle Shorter Than Mine
I made a wish to GodTo turn back time if it’s possiblePutting your candle and mine at equal lengthYet I know that’s not probableFor the clock is immaterialWith its ticks unreturnableIf only we hadn’t metAll these wouldn’t have happenedYou see me as a mere friendYet I’m hoping to be someone moreThe feelings overflowing from my heart are trapped,Imprisoned within this tiny receptacleI just can’t
Online Casinos
It was online that Casinos in fact was not different far with casino traditional, because of offering the opportunity and payback presentage that was comparable with casino traditional, but the belief and online reliability casinos continued to become the matter that was questioned. With the assumption that USA casinos was made be based on random number the generator, then the level of
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
8 Tipe Lelaki Peselingkuh !
Anda sedang terlibat hubungan dengan lelaki yang sudah memiliki pasangan alias lelaki peselingkuh? Kenali tipenya agar tak Anda tak sakit hati di kemudian hari karena ulahnya.Menurut pakar perselingkuhan, Ruth Houston, dalam bukunya Is He Cheating on You? 829 Telltale Signs, lelaki peselingkuh terdiri dari beberapa tipe. Anda bisa mempelajari karakter masing-masing tipe agar tidak terjebak dengan
Tentang Cinta,
Tips cinta
Monday, April 20, 2009
Smorty adalah salah satu program paid review, situs ini masih baru, tetapi memiliki kredibilitas yang baik kok. Dan kali ini terbukti membayar. Yang belum tahu, paid review adalah program yang membayar kita ketika mereview produk atau situs advertiser yang bergabung dengan program paid review, dalam konteks ini ya smorty (ini pengertian saya sendiri, maaf kalau ada salah)Awalnya saya tidak begitu
Arti cinta yang sebenarnya
Akhirnya cinta itu telah bersinarBersinar di depan matakuAku dapat melihat sinarDalam matamu yang kelabuTetapi mengapa cinta baru bersinarApakah ini merupakan akhirAkhir dari kehidupan cintaApa arti dari sinar cintaAku belum dapat menemukanJawaban dari sinar ituBila sinar itu bersinarMaka itu merupakan pertandaPertanda dari hatimu bahwaEngkau melihat seorang pujanggaYang hanya dapat merangkai
Tentang Cinta
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Tentang Cinta
“Cinta itu bagaikan sebuah jalan”Seorang pecinta terbaik adalah sahabat yang terhebatCinat tak pernah begitu indah jika tanpa persahabatanJangan pernah takut untuk jatu h cintaMungkin akan begitu menyakitkan atau akan menyebabkan rasa sakit dan menderita tapi jika kau tak mengikuti hati kamu akan menangisJauh lebih pedih saat kita menyadari bahwa kita baru mencintai seseorangJangan berharap
Tentang Cinta,
Tips cinta
Friday, April 17, 2009
Hal Penting yang Harus Anda Ketahui Sebelum Menjalin Cinta Dengan Seseorang
Ingin hubungan Anda dengan pasangan lancar dan langgeng? Simak dulu tips berikut, mengenai cara membangun kehidupan cinta yang sehat dengan Si Dia.* Bijaksana Memilih Pasangan.Perhatikan karakter, kepribadian, nilai diri, kemurahan hati, cara berbicara, tindakan, serta cara bagaimana dia berhubungan dengan orang lain.* Ketahui Pandangan dan Keyakinan Si Dia.Tentu Anda tak ingin jatuh cinta kepada
Tentang Cinta,
Tips cinta
Manfaat Blog bagi Perusahaan dan UKM
Pada awal-awal kemunculannya, blog (weblog) hanya digunakan sebagai catatan perjalanan seseorang di internet. Namun seiring dengan perkembangannya kini blog tidak lagi hanya sebagai tempat menuliskan catatan perjalanan dan curhat. Keunggulan weblog yang lebih search engine friendly dan lebih interaktif (karena dapat dikomentari) daripada website telah membawa blog berkembang menjadi media
Bisnis Online / Internet Marketing,
Thursday, April 16, 2009
May you find serenity and tranquility in a world you may not always understand.
May the pain you have known and the conflict youhave experienced give you the strength to walk through lifefacing each new situation with courage and optimism.Always know that there are those whoselove and understanding will always be there,even when you feel most alone.May you discover enough goodness in othersto believe in a world of peace.May a kind word, a reassuring touch,a warm smile be
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Rencana Menjadi Kaya
Seberapa cepatkah anda menjadi kaya? Jika anda mau membangun rumah maka sebagian orang akan memanggil arsitek dan arsitek itu bersama anda membuat rencana. Tetapi ketika orang yang sama memulai membangun kekayaan mereka atau merencanakan masa depan, mereka tidak pernah mendesain rencana finansial untuk hidup mereka. Mereka tidak mempunyai garis besar rencana kerja untuk menjadi kaya. Bahkan
Rahasia Menjadi Kaya dan Bertumbuh Semakin Kaya
Kekayaan adalah sama dengan kemampuan untuk terus bertahan hidup dengan gaya hidup yang ada, tanpa harus bekerja.Penelitian yg dilakukan oleh Gallup International menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata eksekutif ibukota & Asia kaya mampu bertahan 90 hari dengan gaya hidup yang ada apabila besok dia berhenti kerja. Setelah itu mereka harus mulai menjual asset atau berhutang.Kaya adalah relatif. Sebagian
Monday, April 13, 2009
Online Dating Tips
Finding your soul mate online is a wondrous thing; however, there is the potential for danger. While you have access to a wide variety of people, you also have the impending complication of meeting those who are not what they seem to be--there are some tips of the trade, though, to help you become more discerning with your choices. These tips can help you stay safe and stay away from men and
Dating Advice: Love Shouldn't Hurt
"Because when pain has been intertwined with love and closeness, it's very difficult to believe that love and closeness can be experienced without pain." -Gloria Steinem, "Revolution from Within."If you tend to attract men who disappoint you (by cheating on you, not showing up when they say they will, or just refusing to get off the couch), you may be confusing love with pain.So many of us have
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Memberi Nama Orang Pada Foto di Facebook
Salah fitur facebook yang paling saya sukai adalah facebook photo tagging (photo tag). Menurut saya fitur ini sangat menarik karena dengan fitur photo tag ini kita bisa memberi/menandai setiap orang yang ada disebuah photo. Seperti memberi nama atau keterangan/komentar pada setiap orang atau benda yang ada dalam foto tersebut. Jadi dengan fasilitas/fitur photo tag ini akan memudahkan kita untuk
Tips dan Trik
Saturday, April 11, 2009
RCTI The Master Rhomedal keluar
RCTI The Master babak 3 besar telah ada hasilnya. Hasil The Master terbaru RCTI adalah Rhomedal harus keluar dari The Master. Romedal mendapat polling sms terendah dibandingkan sms Limbad dan Deny Darko.
Hasil sms The Master di RCTI:
Hasil The Master RCTI ini lebih mengejutkan dibandingkan hasil quick count Pemilu 2009 dan American Idol. Padahal aksi sulap Rhomedal cukup bagus dan music yang dipakai khas musik anak muda, sehingga saya kira pendukung Samuel White akan sms untuk Rhomedal.
Pupus sudah melihat Rhomedal The Master, anda puas dengan hasil The Master RCTI terbaru? ingat sms anda yang menentukan hasil RCTI The Master.
Hasil sms The Master di RCTI:
- Limbad 45,58 %
- Deny Darko 28,95 %
- Rhomedal 25,47 %
Hasil The Master RCTI ini lebih mengejutkan dibandingkan hasil quick count Pemilu 2009 dan American Idol. Padahal aksi sulap Rhomedal cukup bagus dan music yang dipakai khas musik anak muda, sehingga saya kira pendukung Samuel White akan sms untuk Rhomedal.
Pupus sudah melihat Rhomedal The Master, anda puas dengan hasil The Master RCTI terbaru? ingat sms anda yang menentukan hasil RCTI The Master.
favourite tv program
Friday, April 10, 2009
Sports And Romance
How can sports possibly be be romantic? It's simple. Just ask any man who has cheered on his favorite team, while cuddling with his wife, and he'll tell you.Many women I know profess to hate all sports. Why? If it's something your husband really enjoys, wouldn't you rather learn about it, and share the common bond of sports than to have him watch it alone or always leave to watch it with his
The Power of Love - Dating Smart
You don’t need to depend on fate to bring “The One” to your doorstep. You might have to wait a very long time.You don’t have to be the prettiest girl or the most handsome guy to be a successful dater. You don’t need a huge bank account. You don’t have to drive a new sports car, live in a large home, have the best sense of humor, or the most confidence. These things are all desirable; but chances
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Usia Cinta
/1/cinta itu apiperlahan merambatpercikannya hangatmembarajadi ( abu ) rindu/2/air adalah cintamengalirseringkali hanyuttenggelam kadangmenghempas kerontang musimpada embun : malampada kabut erang/3/sebut saja idiopatikjikalau muasal tidak terduga, mengada begitu sajagejala yang unikdan pelik:ada gradasi,sedenyut sensasigelisah zarah…/4/sebuah riwayat singkatkelainan :abnormal ataukah
Tentang Cinta,
Tips cinta
Jadwal Liga Champions RCTI Terbaik
Jadwal Liga Champions akan dimulai Rabu pagi. Jadwal Liga Champions RCTI babak perempat final leg pertama ada empat pertandingan. Semoga hasil Liga Champions bisa seseru hasil The Master RCTI.
Jadwal pertandingan Liga Champions babak 8 besar terbaik yang mana?
Menurut saya, jadwal Liga Champion Eropa di RCTI yang terbaik adalah jadwal Liverpool vs Chelsea, karena merupakan duel tim besar Liga Inggris dan merupakan siaran langsung Liga Champions di RCTI.
Tips nonton Liga Champions:
buat prediksi Liga Champions dan siapkan popcorn dan affogato atau favorite drinks kamu supaya lebih nikmat nonton semua jadwal Liga Champions RCTI. Makin seru nih jadwal Champions League.
Jadwal pertandingan Liga Champions babak 8 besar terbaik yang mana?
Menurut saya, jadwal Liga Champion Eropa di RCTI yang terbaik adalah jadwal Liverpool vs Chelsea, karena merupakan duel tim besar Liga Inggris dan merupakan siaran langsung Liga Champions di RCTI.
Tips nonton Liga Champions:
buat prediksi Liga Champions dan siapkan popcorn dan affogato atau favorite drinks kamu supaya lebih nikmat nonton semua jadwal Liga Champions RCTI. Makin seru nih jadwal Champions League.
favourite tv program,
liga champions,
sepak bola
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Hasil The Master RCTI Season 2
Hasil The Master RCTI season 2 sudah keluar. Hasil The Master babak empat besar adalah Samuel White harus keluar dari acara sulap The Master RCTI.
Hasil polling sms The Master:
1. Limbad
Penampilan Limbad masih penuh ketegangan, tapi menurut saya, tidak sebagus epsisode sebelumnya.
2. Denny Darko
Penampilan Denny Darko meningkat drastis. Nah, ini baru bagus. Saya tegang sekali terutama waktu gelas tinggal dua dan tangan Denny Darko akan dipukul.
3. Rhomedal
Penampilan Rhomedal cukup bagus, tapi sepertinya music cd yang dimainkan terbuat dari plastik.
4. Samuel White
Sayang ya Sam White harus keluar dari The Master season 2, padahal permainan sulapnya cukup bagus. Menurut saya, dia keluar karena The Master Joe Sandy bisa melakukan permainan sulap serupa tanpa persiapan.
Bagi fans Samuel The White Mentalist, jangan terlalu kecewa dengan hasil The Master kali ini. Samuel White adalah pesulap muda, bila dia benar-benar menjadikan sulap sebagai career goals, kita akan menyaksikan lebih banyak aksi sulapnya di masa depan.
Ingat sms anda menentukan hasil The Master RCTI. The Master RCTI memang seseru American Idol 2009.
Hasil polling sms The Master:
- Limbad 32,27 %
- Denny Darko 28,78 %
- Rhomedal 21,86 %
- Samuel White 17,09 %
1. Limbad
Penampilan Limbad masih penuh ketegangan, tapi menurut saya, tidak sebagus epsisode sebelumnya.
2. Denny Darko
Penampilan Denny Darko meningkat drastis. Nah, ini baru bagus. Saya tegang sekali terutama waktu gelas tinggal dua dan tangan Denny Darko akan dipukul.
3. Rhomedal
Penampilan Rhomedal cukup bagus, tapi sepertinya music cd yang dimainkan terbuat dari plastik.
4. Samuel White
Sayang ya Sam White harus keluar dari The Master season 2, padahal permainan sulapnya cukup bagus. Menurut saya, dia keluar karena The Master Joe Sandy bisa melakukan permainan sulap serupa tanpa persiapan.
Bagi fans Samuel The White Mentalist, jangan terlalu kecewa dengan hasil The Master kali ini. Samuel White adalah pesulap muda, bila dia benar-benar menjadikan sulap sebagai career goals, kita akan menyaksikan lebih banyak aksi sulapnya di masa depan.
Ingat sms anda menentukan hasil The Master RCTI. The Master RCTI memang seseru American Idol 2009.
favourite tv program
Friday, April 3, 2009
Jasa Pembuatan Warnet
Apakah anda saat ini lagi mencari-cari ide bisnis apa yang cocok buat Anda? kalau ia, mungkin bisnis warnet (warung internet) bisa Anda pertimbangkan. Seperti yang kita tahu bahwa pengguna internet khususnya di Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun selalu meningkat dan akan terus meningkat. Dengan melihat statistik pengguna internet yang terus meningkat ini, maka bisnis warnet memiliki peluang/potensi
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Kaos Descartes - Jual Kaos Online
Semakin meningkatnya penggguna internet di tanah air, telah membuka sebuah ladang atau pasar bisnis baru yang sangat luas dan potensial. Kini kita dapat menjumpai berbagai macam barang atau jasa yang ditawarkan di internet, termasuk jualan kaos, atau yang biasa juga disebut Jual Kaos Online. Apa sebenarnya yang di maksud dengan jual kaos online? Jual kaos online adalah sebuah bisnis/usaha jual
Bisnis Online,
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